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soil architects.

Making regenerative conventional

bringing the invisible to life. 


+46 70 323 78 18



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"A regenerative approach dictates that there no longer need be a compromise on the health of your business & that of the planet"                 Josef Winter founder & CEO 59degrees 

Value; Latin valere "be strong, be well; be of value, be worth"-


Our planet, is 3,5 billion years old.


Its ecosystems, have been constructed, threaded and woven over hundreds of millions of years.


Our forests, grasslands and tundra, literally the most abundant places on the planet, are so due to the coordinated, self organising principles that work their way into the landscape. 


The more we leave land alone, the more productive it becomes.


And vice versa.......


The simple fact is, if we want productive lands, we need to understand nature’s playbook. Land care outside of the playbook becomes expensive and burdensome to its beholders, and its returns ever more diminished.


Our mission at 59degrees, across the species spectrum is to support you to optimise your growing system through quality decision making, in alignment with the self organising principles that go on to construct vibrant, thriving ecosystems. 


Human nature with gifts of sensitivity, and our capacity to organise around meaningful, purposeful work is pivotal to the emergence of beautiful and creative states that will ultimately go on to redefine how we grow food and the role we choose to play within our ecosystems. As a species, we’re waking up to this truth.


By working intentionally, with the best part of our human nature, we help you bring the invisible to life from which emerge strong lands & healthy, vibrant communities of plants and humans.


just for starters..... 

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